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Normal Checkout

This example demonstrates how to process a recurring checkout.

use PayHere\PayHere;

class CheckoutController extends Controller
    public function __invoke()
        return PayHere::builder()
            ->title('Perpetual License (1 Year)')

Recurring Checkout

This example demonstrates how to process a recurring checkout.

use PayHere\PayHere;

class CheckoutController extends Controller
    public function __invoke()
        return PayHere::builder()
            ->title('Shared Hosting')
                 recurrence: '1 Month',
                 duration: '1 Year'

Onsite Checkout

This example demonstrates how to process a onsite checkout.

First, add the following Blade component to your view:

    class="px-8 py-4"
    Buy Now


We use the HTML Form-Based API Builder to create the order. Therefore, you are free to chain builder methods as you would for other checkouts.

After that, you can listen for PayHere events:

// Payment completed. It can be a successful failure.
payhere.onCompleted = function onCompleted(orderId) {
    console.log("Payment completed. OrderID:" + orderId);
    // Note: validate the payment and show success or failure page to the customer

// Payment window closed
payhere.onDismissed = function onDismissed() {
    // Note: Prompt user to pay again or show an error page
    console.log("Payment dismissed");

// Error occurred
payhere.onError = function onError(error) {
    // Note: show an error page
    console.log("Error:" + error);

For more details, visit the PayHere Javascript SDK.