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The PayHere panel supports few configurations. you can use them depending on your requirement.

Authorizing access to the PayHere panel

To access the PayHere panel in non-local environment, add the PayHerePanelUser contract to your App\Models\User class:

use PayHere\Filament\Contracts\PayHerePanelUser;

class User extends Authenticatable implements PayHerePanelUser
    // ...

    public function canAccessPayHerePanel(Panel $panel): bool
        return $this->email === '[email protected]';

In this example, we check if the user's email matches [email protected]. If it does, the request will be authorized, allowing access to the PayHere panel.

To change the default brand logo in the PayHere panel, update the panel_brand_logo.light and panel_brand_logo.dark path in the payhere.php file:

return [

    // ...

    'panel_brand_logo' => [
        'light' => 'vendor/payhere/images/logo-light.svg',                  
        'dark' => 'vendor/payhere/images/logo-dark.svg',                    
        'light' => 'path/to/your/logo-light.svg',                           
        'dark' => 'path/to/your/logo-dark.svg',                             

    // ...


Disabling the PayHere panel access

You are free to disable the PayHere panel access by adding the following environment variable:


Disabling the PayHere panel login

If your application already uses an authentication method, you might want to disable the PayHere panel's login route by adding the following environment variable:
